Friday, April 22, 2016

Whiplash (2014)

As always, spoilers below.

Jesus. I watched the movie like an hour ago and I still feel uptight. That should tell you enough right there.

Whiplash is an excellent film starring Miles Teller as "Andrew Neimann", an aspiring jazz drummer and student of "Terrence Fletcher" played by J.K. Simmons. The entire film is a rollercoaster of emotions showing Andrew's attempt to become a great while simultaneously losing himself in the process.

I remember hearing in an interview somewhere that director Damien Chazelle wrote this movie as an excuse to film a ten minute drum solo. I don't know why but I found that really funny. So there's your fun fact of the article. The rest will be sad facts that will remind you of what failure tastes like.

This was seriously a great film and it really deserves all of the awards that it won. J.K. Simmons, who won the Academy Award for best supporting actor in 2014, delivered a truly terrifying performance as Fletcher. He is that asshole teacher from middle school amplified by one thousand. Miles Teller also delivered a very solid performance which I will admit surprised me. I'm used to seeing him in movies like Project X and 21 & Over; stupid but fun movies that you watch on an airplane because Schindler's List seems a little too heavy. Teller's performance as Neimann was something completely different -- an antisocial young adult obsessed with transcending greatness. Something that I could never imagine seeing him portray and even portray so well. It is worth noting that I haven't seen every film Teller has acted in so I do not have a completely accurate view on his range -- or rather I didn't before I saw this film.

animal chicken muppets kermit miss piggy
Animal turned the role of "Andrew Neimann" down due to scheduling conflicts.

Let's get started.


Shiiiiiiiit. Soundtrack was great. If Fletcher wasn't in the film making everyone's life hell, it would be a really nice jazz showcase film. If that's a thing (I don't think it is). 

I consider myself to be a fan of jazz. Maybe not a true connoisseur, but I have a rough idea of how jazz works and what to listen for. I took a jazz history class, I'm practically an expert.
miles teller angry drums whiplash punching
"Fuck you'"'s and "I fucking quit"'s are generally heard in more structured pieces, often peppered in by the musician to keep their audience interested.

But on a serious note the music in this movie was on point. The movie in a way revolves around Andrew struggling to master two songs, "Whiplash" and "Caravan" while being tormented and broken by Fletcher at his inability to perfectly play them. The climax of the film I feel is at the very end, when Andrew returns to the stage to eventually play his five minute drum solo. A really beautiful part of the film I think.


I really liked the story that was told in this film. I think Chazelle did an excellent job writing this screenplay. 

This film is really like nothing else I've ever seen, structurally. As I said earlier, the climax is Andrew's drum solo, which is the last scene before the credits roll. I'm aware that this used to be the norm in the earlier days of film, but this is the first film that I personally have seen that does so. I think it makes Whiplash rather unique. It also really simulates the anxiety Fletcher's students must have felt because the movie is all uphill and it's so emotionally draining. There is no real break from the struggle of this movie. This is equal parts writing and equal parts acting I think.

On another note, Fletcher's insults to his students were very amusing. Here are some of my favorites:

  • "I will gouge your fucking eyes out," as Andrew returns to the stage in the final scene to play.

  • "I am not gonna have my reputation in that department tarnished by a bunch of fucking limp-dick, sour-note, flatter-than-their-girlfriends, flexible-tempo dipshits. Got it?" to his students before a competition.

  • "The folder is your fucking responsibility, Tanner. Why would you give it to Neimann? Right? You give a calculator to a fucking retard he's gonna try to turn on a TV with it. Now get your sticks and get your ass on stage," after Andrew loses Tanner's folder with the music sheets for the competition.
movie whiplash tempo not my tempo not my fucking tempo
It was at this point half of Fletcher's class decided to learn "Python" and move to San Francisco.

How Well It Holds Up:

I think next time I'm just going to call this section "visual effects" next time because I still haven't written about any movies older than 25 years. Anyways.

This was not a film that required any grand effects. All of the damage done throughout this movie is done primarily through words and is fully psychological (with a couple notable exceptions). The message of the movie is very strong and the acting is fantastic. I could watch Whiplash in twenty years and it would still be just as stunning.

I really enjoyed the camera work in Whiplash. I am slowly learning about filming practices and cutting techniques so I am unable to truly articulate what I found so interesting but I will really try.

In the final scene, it appears that Fletcher has finally begun to respect Andrew. As Andrew plays the drums, the camera switches back and forth between Fletcher and him. There is no cut, the camera just moves very quickly between the two showing the blurred faces of the rest of the band. I thought it was very visually pleasing and matched the speed of the scene quite well.

The film also uses a lot of green shift (is that a term? Probably not). It seems that many of the scenes are tinted slightly green. It gives Whiplash a very lo-fi feel which I think looks really great when pulled off right, which I think they did with this film.

miles teller movie film whiplash jk simmonsmovies miles teller whiplash andrew neiman
Maybe I'm just colorblind.


Again, both Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons had amazing performances in this film. J.K. Simmons' performance truly raised my blood pressure throughout the movie so effectively that I was still feeling somewhat anxious an hour later. Miles really does show us that he is losing his humanity in his quest to become "one of the greats". I felt invested the entire way through. I cared about what happened to these characters, for better or for worse.

Occasionally in films there will be two really strong actors and then their supporting cast may seem a bit flat or generic in their delivery. This is natural; some actors are better than others. I get it. Whiplash didn't really give anyone else a chance to shine or drag the film down I think. The film revolved around Teller driving himself to the brink of insanity while Fletcher cheered on from the stands. Unnecessary characters were not in scenes where they were not needed (at least not speaking/drawing attention to themselves). There is one scene however that sticks out in my mind where Fletcher is trying to get at least one of his three drummers to play on his tempo. This leads to a multiple hour session of Fletcher berating the three until Neimann finally gets the tempo right. The other drummers look absolutely defeated and exhausted. It's believable.

miles teller whiplash fuck off johnny utah
"Johnny Utah" or whatever his actual name was delivered a stunning performance as a spotlight stealing bastard.

What Issues It Tackles:

Mental abuse. Selfishness. Loss of one's true essence in pursuit of a goal. All are discussed in Whiplash.

I don't know if Whiplash had a happy ending or not. On the one hand Andrew proved to his tormentor that he was really great. He had his own Charlie Parker moment. Fletcher might even respect him now.

On the other hand...

The fact that Andrew went out there not to play an instrument that he loved and allow that to show through his music but instead retake the stage to say "fuck you" to Fletcher means that he has lost what made music great. Perhaps now it is passionless for Andrew. Perhaps he doesn't even like to play anymore. We see that he had his drum kit in storage, unused before his chance re-encounter with Fletcher. Maybe that means something.

Even further, He's allowed Fletcher to win. Fletcher now see this piece of coal turned into a diamond and it's all thanks to his teachings and his methods. If he weren't such a bastard, Andrew would have never pushed himself this far and would never become a great. Right? I'm not convinced.

Either way, this was truly a thrilling and entertaining film to watch and I recommend it to anyone reading. 

My rating: A strong 9.

laughing jk simmons j jonah jameson guffaw
Not my FUCKING RESOLUTION, Parker! Try again!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

As always, spoilers below.

Ya know, I really like to watch movies at least twice before I review them. It allows me to have my first reaction, take in the movie as a whole, and then go back in to pick it apart and analyze it. For Transformers: Age of Extinction, I'm not going to do that for reasons that will become obvious below. This is really just going to be me talking about how shit this movie was, not really a review.

I use the word "shit" a lot in this review. There are two reasons for this, reason number one being that I wrote the review at 2 in the morning, reason number two being that "shit" is really the best way to describe the movie. movie transformers optimus prime transformers 3 transformers dark of the moon
The city of Chicago should feel lucky that so many of their residents died in the third movie lest they endure the fourth

Mark Wahlberg plays "Cade Yeager", a part-time scientist/inventor, part-time shitty father, full-time hunk. Nicola Peltz plays his 17-year-old daughter "Tessa" and Jack Reynor plays her maybe Irish, maybe just an idiot sounding boyfriend "Shane". Also Erlich from Silicon Valley is there for a minute before he just kind of dies.

I'm probably not going to be completely accurate with regards to certain points of the plot. That is partly because there wasn't really a plot. Bear with me.

Let's get this over with.


I mean it had the traditional "robots beating the shit out of each other" type music. Didn't really expect much here.

There were a couple Imagine Dragons songs thrown in there. I don't really mind their music but I wouldn't call myself a fan. I will say that these songs did seem out of place though. Maybe because these songs convey more emotion than this movie was capable. Maybe because I was just looking for things to hate at minute 180. Maybe both.

transformers tv television 80s vintage
I was almost disappointed that there weren't any Nickleback songs in the final cut, however.


Heh heh. Well. The writing was -- take a guess -- pretty bad! So bad in fact that I actually don't know what the fuck was going on even after going back and reading plot summaries.

Basically Mark Wahlberg is a broke inventor trying to make ends meet while also neglecting being a present father to his kid, but also being super over-protective? He accidentally buys Optimus Prime in semi-truck form and brings him back to life or some shit. After a run in with some black ops-esque military outfit, Wahlberg, his daughter, and her annoying-as-shit boyfriend agree to help Optimus and the other autobots in their corporate espionage plot which consists of the three humans breaking into an extremely secure government contractor robotics lab and then the robots blowing the shit out of said lab because at the end of the day, this is a Transformers movie after all. Then they have to go to China or some shit and fight a fake Megatron and Optimus recruits dinosaur robots (with only like 20 minutes of the movie left, huge letdown) and I don't even know what. There are other shitty subplots that I'm choosing to ignore. At least with the other movies we could all ignoring the terrible writing by staring at Megan Fox.

sexy tumblr hot woman diva
I'd take toe-thumbs over this crock of shit movie any day.

OH. I almost forgot this gem of a plot point. Mark Wahlberg's daughter is 17 in this movie while her boyfriend is 20 or something. Marky is obviously upset for obvious, statutory rape reasons. Shane the boyfriend then cites the relevant law stating that if both parties are consenting and had been in a relationship prior to one party turning 18 that it is perfectly legal (or something to that effect). This by itself is kind of weird; that the guy has the law completely memorized. To drive the point home, though, this creepy motherfucker pulls out a laminated card with the law written on it. How often does that come up in conversation that laminating a card with your excuse for banging a 17-year-old make sense?

How Well Does it Hold Up:

I would hope to God that a movie with such a huge budget would have exceptional visual effects, which this movie does. It's one of the few good things in Transformers. I'm not a big fan of movies that revolve around huge, computer generated characters but I can't deny that this one looks nice. Plus explosions. Those were nice too. Also there were robot dinosaurs. Everyone can appreciate that. 

movies film summer transformers optimus prime
I don't know why. I don't want to know why.


Eh. It wasn't terrible I guess. The only person that stood out to me as an exceptionally shitty actor was Jack Reynor but a large portion of the blame for that could be placed on the shoulders of the writers really.

with review official transformers age
Some people have off days, some people have off movies. No hard feelings.

What Issues it Tackles:

Fuck off

My rating: A very soft 4.5. 4 of those points being awarded for the explosions.

There were plenty of things wrong with this movie. If you want to hear me bitch about it in detail feel free to talk to me in person (I'm guessing you don't). I really think it would have been much better if it weren't so god damn long, though. I can only watch robots beat the shit out of each other with forced subplots for so long and 2 hours and 45 minutes is way too fucking long.


We're done here.

I'm back

So it's been a minute but I'm finally writing again. In February I got absolutely shit on by the flu and then school just took precedence. Hopefully you guys (yes, all three of my readers) can forgive me.
chris farley david spade tommy boy Come On Eileen dexys midnight runners
Thanks for reading, mom.

BUT while I have been away from this blog I have not been away from watching movies, well-made and terrible alike. After I finish this I'm going to review Transformers 4. Spoiler: it fucking sucked. 

I really do enjoy writing these though and I'm glad that I'm finally back to it. I've got a long list of movies to write about and I've got to try to get through them all before too long.

yoda the empire strikes back do or do not star wars
Piss off, Yoda.

-- Mat